"Fill Your Dojo With New Students Like Clockwork!"

Without spending thousands on bullshit inner circle coaching programs, ridiculously overpriced marketing courses, or insanely expensive marketing services.

Buy Now for Just $97 $47

Tell the truth...

"Aren't You Tired Of Wasting Money Marketing Your Dojo?"

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

You start the month off feeling pretty good, because those first-of-the-month tuition payments took the monkey off your back.

But as the month goes on, you get a couple of drop outs. It's nothing you did—people move, they have kids—life happens.

Then you realize you're not enrolling as many students as you did this time last year.

You look at your tuition collection projections for the next month, and compare to your expenses, things aren't looking so hot.

So you throw some money at local marketing, based on what some random school owner from a free Facebook group told you to do.

Then... *crickets*. Chirp, chirp, chirp.

And when that last week of the month rolls around, you're thinking: 

"How the hell am I going to pay the rent on the first? How am I going to pay my staff?"

Or for that matter, how are you going to pay yourself?


Feeling Personally Attacked?

I know exactly how you feel. After running multiple martial arts studios over the course of three decades, I've had those months, too.

I've felt the creeping anxiety you get when you're never sure where your next student is coming from.

It's that nagging discomfort in the pit of your stomach that just never goes away, because you have no idea how to get new students through your front door.

Meanwhile, the students you have are going out the back door, through no fault of your own.

Yep, I lived that way for the first few years I ran a studio.

Then I mastered the art of "simplified dojo marketing."

Suddenly, I wasn't worried about where my next student was coming from, because I had more business than I could handle.


But Here's The Twist...

This is the part where I'm supposed to tell you, "And then all my marketing and money problems went away, for good."

Hah, nope.

Oh, things went good for years, and that's a fact. But then this little thing called "the internet" came along, and everything changed.

This happened right around the time that the Great Recession hit—a double whammy.

Surprise! I had to figure things out all over again.

I learned skills during that period ("a very particular set of skills") that have allowed me to get students on demand ever since. 

And now I'd like to share that information with you... all for a measly $97 $47—the cost of this course.

Read on to find out what the course entails, and why it's definitely worth next week's Starbucks budget.

Start Filling Your Dojo Now

Sick of reading my word salad? Then click the yellow button. Or click here to check out the guarantee if you're on the fence.

Get Access Now For Just $97 $47

I know what you're thinking:

"I Bet He's Going To Upsell Me Later..."

Oh, so you think I'm selling some worthless dirt cheap course, just so I can upsell you on the "real" course later?

C'mon, we're both smarter than that. 

This is a stupid cheap offer with a dead simple proposition:

You'd like to know how to get students on demand.

I can show you how to do it.

I'm not selling some inner circle coaching bullshit. There's no backend offer for overpriced marketing services, either.

And I'm not going to surprise you with a ridiculously expensive add-on you have to buy to make this info work.

That's because this course includes everything you need to know to fill your school with students.

Sure, you'll probably see an offer for another of my courses when you checkout, and I'll likely reduce the price on a one-time basis to encourage you to buy that as well.

But this course is 100% all-inclusive. You pay $97 $47 bucks, you get all the info, plus a ton of bonuses and resources that'll make it super-simple to implement the course material.


Need Convincing? Fine...

Here's short list of what you'll be able to do after you finish this course:

  • Find out how to get new students on demand, so you never have to worry about student recruitment again...
  • Discover the 4 pillars of simple and effective dojo marketing—four evergreen principles that work no matter how technology changes over time!
  • Learn how to avoid this one critical mistake that's the #1 cause of financial failure for dojo owners...
  • Wondering how much you should spend on marketing your dojo? Get the answer in Lesson #1 of the course!
  • Where should you put your marketing dollars? Get this wrong and you're just a few months away from disaster! Find out at 14:00 of the first lesson...
  • Discover the three things you MUST get right on your website to turn it into a leads machine!
  • Is your website hidden on page 3 of the local search results? Find out how to fix it and get your website on page #1 on Google...
  • Find out why most SEO firms suck, and learn how to SAVE THOUSANDS optimizing your website yourself (hint: It's easier than you think!)
  • Do you have great rankings in Google, but you're still hearing *crickets* from your website? Find out how to turn your website into a leads machine in lesson #4 of the course...
  • Does social media marketing feel like a complete waste of time? I used to feel the same way, until I discovered how to make social media companies work for me. Learn how I did it in lesson #5...
  • Discover the 7 simple steps that'll turn social media posts into profit for your studio...
  • Find out the one free marketing method that works like gangbusters to get new students in your studio...
  • Drowning in a sea of competitors? Not any more! Find out how to stand out and become the #1 most respected and talked about dojo in your community...
  • Learn the stupid simple way of getting to the top of the Google Maps listing...
  • Are negative reviews giving you ulcers? Find out how to deal with negative reviews so they never keep you up at night again!
  • Can you predict how much business you'll get next month? In six months? A year? I'll show you how to be your very own Nostradamus—not just predicting the future, but ensuring future business for your studio!
  • Never have to wonder what you should be doing to market your school, ever again! I'll give you an EXACT list of tasks for each week of every month that'll practically guarantee you'll hit your enrollment goals all year long...
  • No money to hire a designer to help you with marketing? No problem! When you purchase the course you'll be getting some of my best ads and templates—all professionally designed by my rock star graphic designers! 
  • Wondering what to post on social media? Wonder no more! Get an entire year's worth of social media images to post, included when you purchase the course today...
  • Do people throw your guest passes away? Then you need passes that POP! Upgrade your guest pass game with these included top-notch templates...
  • Plus, you'll get a boat-load of additional bonuses FREE with this course to help you skyrocket your enrollments!

Get this course and you'll have all my Simplified Dojo Marketing systems, right at your fingertips...

Eager to get started?

Start filling your dojo with new students, today:

Make Your Competition Tap!

Put your competitors in a marketing mata leão and make them beg for mercy. Get the course now:

Dominate My Market for Just $97 $47

Ah, So You're Looking For Details...

Since you came this far, I'll assume that you're dying to know exactly what's in the course. No problem...

Here's What's Included In The Simplified Dojo Marketing Course:

In-Depth Videos

Since most studio owners are absolute beginners at dojo marketing, I've broken this info down into 8 in-depth video lessons totaling over 190 minutes of video. These videos will guide you step-by-step through the process of marketing your dojo, ensuring that you understand and implement each strategy correctly.

Detailed Transcript

I get that everyone learns differently. That's why I've provided a written transcript for each video lesson. Whether you prefer following along visually or reading through the content, we've got you covered. You can refer back to the transcripts whenever you need a quick refresher, or if you get bored while riding public transportation.

Bonus Resources

I realize that most martial arts studio owners are not experts at using Photoshop or Canva ("Please, sir—back away from the jpeg file"). Thus, the inclusion of these bonuses. From customizable marketing templates, to social media images, to cheat sheets and checklists, these resources will save you time and simplify the marketing process.

(*Disclaimer: I realize the accompanying images above have nothing to do with the content of this course. Obviously, I'm not-so-subtly appealing to the martial arts nerd in you. Welcome to the world of marketing to Bruce Lee worshippers and full-time jiu-jitsu stoners.)

Plus You'll Also Get These Bonuses:

martial arts marketing calendar

My Marketing Calendar

My simplified dojo marketing calendar guides you through the month with day-by-day action steps for you to complete. You'll never wonder what to do to fill your school with students again!

A $299 value (the cost of a coaching session), yours FREE with the course.

martial arts marketing ads

Professionally Designed Ads

Implement what you learn immediately with these professionally-designed ads! It cost me a bundle to have these designed, but they're included at no additional cost with this course.

A $500 value!
Yours FREE with the course.

Guest Pass Templates

These slick professionally-designed template will make your students proud to refer their friends and family to your studio. They're included free of charge when you access the course, today.

A $150 value!
Yours FREE with the course.

Bow to Your Sensei!

It's time to pull the trigger. Staring at this page or keeping it open in a browser tab won't get you more students. Buy this course and let's fix that, now.

Master Marketing for Just $97 $47

Still Reading?

You're still here?

Man, you must have some serious history with martial arts business gurus.

I'm talking trust issues, brah.

But I get it. Like the average Joe who agreed to a "friendly spar" with Sean Strickland, the hell if you're going to make that mistake twice.

Since you're still hanging around, here's an FAQ and some fine print to alleviate your fears:


Feel Better?

Then it's time to crap or get off the pot...

Give up your Starbucks for the next week if you have to, but for gosh sakes, snag this deal now:

Now the Student Becomes the Master...

Become the master of your dojo's destiny—discover how to get new students on demand. All it takes is one click:

Download Now for Just $97 $47